
You don’t need any specialist knowledge to volunteer, just bring commitment, a sense of humour and a willingness to learn as you go.


We always looking for volunteers to surf the Internet for stuff; research, write and proof content, and help maintain the back end of the website. An understanding of WordPress is helpful but not essential.


Our safer chemsex packs each contain 40+ pieces so ingredients need to be prepped, and boxes creased, before we can start packing them up.


In front of the camera, we sometimes require extras (of all shapes, sizes, and ages) to make up a social, club, party or bar scene, for example. Behind the camera, we sometimes require volunteers to operate the clapper board, manage the food/ refreshment area, supervise extras, fetch and carry, hold the boom mic, check for continuity errors, and assist the director and producer.

Our projects operate on shoestring budgets and while cannot provide expenses we provide a wide range of sandwiches, wraps and salads and soft drinks on location/ during filming. We will also credit you and give you a copy of the film in which are involved.