Resetting the Research Agenda on Chemsex

Participant Information
Before taking part, please read the information below carefully.

What is this research about?
This survey responds to a call from participants at the previous London Chemsex Conference for more research on chemsex. The survey aims to understand what service providers and policy makers consider the current priorities for harm reduction, service provision and policy. The research also aims to understand what gaps there are in current knowledge about chemsex, and help to set an agenda for future chemsex research, particularly harm reduction around GHB/GBL use, overdose, safer sex practices and problematic chemsex.

Who will be doing this research?
The research will be led by Dr Alex Dymock (Goldsmiths) and Dr Maurice Nagington (Manchester) in collaboration with the Gay Men’s Health Collective. The research has received ethical authorisation from Goldsmiths, University of London.

What does participation involve and what do I gain from it?
The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and you can simply close your browser if at any point you do not wish to continue. There is no direct benefit to you in completing this research. However, you will help to (re)set the research agenda around chemsex, set priorities, and help potentially shape policy and service provision.

Who can take part?
If you meet the following criteria, you can participate in this study:

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • Your work involves either
    • working in chemsex related service provision or policy
    • working in a related area where you have some contact with chemsex policy or service provision

How will information provided in the survey be used?
The information provided will help to set the agenda for future research on chemsex by identifying priorities for research and evidence gaps. The data will be used in a report and/or research briefing for policymakers. It may be used in journal articles or future presentations.

Will my information be anonymised?
At the beginning of the survey we will ask for some personal data, such as age, data, sexual orientation and ethnicity. However, identities cannot be traced from this data. Should a longer text response you give to a question be used in future publications a pseudonym will be used to protect your identity, and any further information that may provide further risk of identification (such as naming the organisation you work for) will be redacted. 

How will my data be kept confidential?
All personal data will be treated confidentially. Original data including personal and identifying information will be stored in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. Microsoft software MSForms will be used to collect survey, which is fully GDPR compliant. Electronic files containing personal data will be stored on a secure university server, password and multi-factor protected, and encrypted.

Are there risks associated with participating in this survey?
This survey does not ask you about your own experiences with chemsex, although there may be instances in free text responses where you decide to make such a disclosure. This may involve the risk of temporarily intensifying emotions or recalling difficult experiences.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?
You can contact either/both of the researchers:

Dr Alex Dymock:
Dr Maurice Nagington:  

Please confirm that you have read the information above and wish to continue with the survey
Yes, I wish to proceed. CLICK THIS LINK that takes you to the survey or scan the QR code below.