Packs comprise 40 ingredients, some of which need to be printed, pinched, stuck together and folded before being precision packed into a Post In Proportion (PIP) pack (PAC) mailing box. Uniquely, some contents are colour-coded to reduce the sharing and transmission of blood-borne infections (BBVs), including HIV and Hepatitis C.

Discretely packaged and posted 2nd and 1st class packs fit through standard letterboxes. We would love to give PIP PAC away for free, but they are not subsidised or receive government or grant funding. They are produced not-for-profit to give you the best value possible.

  • 6 x 1ml Fixed Needle Syringes *
  • 6 x UniSafe Single Sharps Box
  • 6 x Alcohol Prep Pads
  • 2 x Spoons with Filters *
  • 1 x Measuring Syringe (2ml)
  • 1 x ā€˜Gā€™ Tracker (leaflet)
  • 2 x Straws *
  • 2 x Latex Gloves
  • 2 x 5ml Skins Aqua Water Based Lubricant sachets
  • 2 x Skins Condoms
  • 4 x Electrolyte Tablets for salt replacement
  • 2 x Mints
  • 2 x ID Paper Wrist Bands *
  • 1 x Safer Chemsex (A5 booklet) **
  • 1 x Health and Wellbeing (A5 booklet) **
  • 1 x Rights on Arrest (A6 booklet) **
  • 1 x Hook-Up Safer (A6 booklet) **
  • 1 x HIV/ HCV/ STI “Risk-O-Meter” A6 leaflet) **
  • 1 x Overdoses and Calling 999 (A6 leaflet) **

* Colour-coded to reduce sharing and transmission of blood-borne infections such as HIV and Hepatitis.
** From the “Safer” Pack, released May 2023.